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Welcome To MyNaijaReviews

MyNaijaReviews helps you find the best available businesses in your area by ranking businesses based on thousands of unbiased reports and reviews given by customers.
Customers share their experiences with each other so they gets the best service from the right business.
As a BUSINESS OWNER, provides an insight to why your business is where it is today (whether its on top or below), it also gives you ideas on how to improve services because you get feedback from your customers on what you do that they like or do not like.
Some other benefits are:

Increase Your Customer Base

As of 2009 over 40 million Nigerians use the internet, and with the integration of mobile internet by major telecommunication networks, this figure has grown exponentially. All this translates to one thing - EVERYONE is getting on the internet. It doesn’t matter how small you think your business may be, EVERY business can now connect, relate and even offer services to customers in their local areas, cities, states, nationwide and even globally.

Advertise Your Business With Your Business

Customers always prefer pleasurable services from the business they patronize, hence the saying “The customer is always right”. For businesses with excellent customer care and services which cannot afford to have their business advertised on television or radio and they usually rely on family, friends and few pleasant customers to get the word out for them. now gives you the platform to reach out to unlimited amount of customers and unfolds the good news about your business and services. As customers rate your business with excellent customer care, it increases your business ranking when compared with other similar businesses, so when other users search for businesses in your area, your business is given top priority and hence comes up before others and ultimately you get more customers. Find out how your business is rated by your customers

Build Relationship ... Guarantee Customer Loyalty

It is one thing to attract new customers, and it’s also another to keep them coming back to your business, this is called customer loyalty. With the ‘Follow Me’ and ‘Discount’ tools, you establish a noble relationship between you and your customers and also increase your customer loyalty as well as your customer base. You are able to contact your customers instantly when you have any sales or discount programs.


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By: Odunola Oguns
"Infact you are the best among the bests. When you promise you deliver it is indeed a very big plus for you, please keep it up. Your site must be recommended to my business friends. "
By: Darlington Okoroukwu
"This site is a connecting bridge between business owners and their customers electronically.koodles "
By: Olabanji Olajide